If so, your Census Office wants to hear from you. The Census Bureau is currently identifying facilities that can be used as Questionnaire Assistance Centers (QAC). The Bureau needs 2,460 sites in the Boston Region alone. Questionnaire Assistance Centers simply require a small private place in a public facility where the Census Bureau can staff a table with translators to provide in-language assistance to help non-English speakers complete the 2010 questionnaire. Questionnaire Assistance Center will be open between mid-March and mid-April 2010.
If you are a Boston-region organization and would like to serve as a QAC, please contact your partnership specialist or the Boston Regional Census Office at (617) 424-4501 or by email at boston.regional.office(at)census.gov by December 21.
Don't live in or around Boston? Census Regional Offices across the country are looking for facilities to serve as Questionnaire Assistance Centers. To contact your Regional Census Office about becoming a Questionnaire Assistance Center, click on your state.