Thank you to all of you who attended yesterday's webinar "Countdown to the Census," with Robynne Curlee and Terri Ann Lowenthal.
Our next webinar will be held Thursday, March 18th at 2:00pm Eastern Time. The exact title and subject matter are still under discussion, but we'll update you when we know more.
We appreciated your questions yesterday. Please don't hesitate to contact any of us with further questions. Our contact information is as follows:
Terri Ann Lowenthal
Legislative & Policy Consultant
phone: 203-353-4364
Bridgette Rongitsch
National Director
Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network
phone: 651-757-3085
Robynne Curlee
National Outreach Coordinator
Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network
phone: 651-757-3086
You can download yesterday's PowerPoint presentation here.
You can also download our previous webinar on filling out the census form. In this webinar Terri Ann Lowethal walks us through the Census form and also deals with a host of questions about the kind of assistance it is permissible to give to your clients. In addition, you can download the audio portion of the presentation as a MP3. Or you can view the presentation online.
We mentioned several other resources yesterday.
Websites: - our website for nonprofits about the 2010 Census. - the official US Census Bureau 2010 Census website, which boasts an enourmous number of materials including the in language assistance guides (scroll down the page) we mentioned during the webinar. - this site is an amazing resource for information from the Census about your neighborhood, including detailed information on hard to count factors. This site will also report in mailback response rates. We held an entire webinar recently on how to use this site. View the presentation online.
Please note that the Questionnaire Assistance Center finder site is not yet available.
The Census Form:
Those of you who would like to download a sample of the Census form can do so on our site or on the official Census site.
Don't forget that the real forms will begin to arrive in the mail in mid March! And that the Census would like people to return the form by April 1st (although it will continue to accept forms until mid April).
Assistance phone numbers:
English: 1-866-872-6868
Spanish: 1-866-928-2010
Chinese: 1-866-935-2010
Korean: 1-866-955-2010
Vietnamese: 1-866-945-2010
Russian: 1-866-965-2010
Hearing impaired: 1-866-783-2010
Toolkits, Butons and Posters:
The Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network's Nonprofits Count campaign has created posters, fact sheets and a toolkit on the 2010 Census for nonprofits. Please feel free to order a copy of our toolkit. We also have two census posters and census buttons available free of charge. Order a poster today. If you would like to place a bulk order, email us at
To obtain our materials online, visit our Toolkit page. The Toolkit page also includes recordings of previous webinars.
To learn about the 2010 Census in your state, visit your state page at
If you would like to link your page to ours, visit our web badge page.