Nonprofits Increase Voter Participation: New Research from the Field
Thursday, May 12th at 2:00pm Eastern
Learn about exciting new evidence documenting the impact nonprofits have when they talk to their clients and constituents about voting. Professor Kelly LeRoux will discuss a new study that tracked the outcomes of nonprofit service providers that contacted their clients/constituents about voting.
Conducted during the 2010 midterm election with assistance from Nonprofit VOTE and the Michigan Nonprofit Association, the study reveals that when nonprofits discussed voting with clients, their likelihood of both voting and talking to their families and friends about the election increased. Professor LeRoux, the principal researcher, will share her findings and discuss the implications for nonprofits and our role in increasing voter participation in 2012 and beyond.
Featured Presenters: Kelly LeRoux is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she teaches courses in nonprofit management. Dr. LeRoux's research has been published in more than a dozen public and nonprofit management journals, including the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, the Public Administration Review, and the Journal of Urban Affairs. She is currently working on a book titled "Nonprofits and Voter Mobilization in the U.S." Rachid Elabed is the Civic Engagement and Field Coordinator with the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS)--one of the organizations that participated in the study--and leads their advocacy, field and civic engagement work in Michigan.
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