The best sites let users register online, check their registration status, look up their polling place, see a sample ballot, and track their absentee ballot--all in one place! While very few have yet to offer all of these capabilities, a number of states have recently ramped up their online accessibility efforts. We're excited to see more states offering voting tools in a single, easy-to-use portal and encourage the rest to follow suit!
And now, without further ado, Nonprofit VOTE is pleased to present our Top 5 State Voter Information Websites:
- Utah very recently came out with a fantastic new site (a welcome change from its confusing, limited predecessor). The site now features both personalized voter information and online registration.
- Louisiana's site offers a single log-in platform with the ability to look up your registration status, find your polling place, track your absentee ballot, and find local election information. Voters in Louisiana can also register to vote online.
- Pennsylvania provides all the basic voter information tools, but also includes an additional tool for people with specific voting needs--like college students and persons with disabilities.
- Missouri's well-designed site provides individualized voter information as well as multimedia resources, like instructional videos on how to register to vote.
- Texas provides comprehensive voter information, as well as specific information about upcoming elections.
This post was researched and written by Nonprofit VOTE's Spring 2011 intern, Hattie Huston.
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