Friday, June 29, 2012

Webinar Recap: What Staff Can('t) Do

Yesterday's webinar, What Nonprofit Staff Can Do: Voter Engagement at Work and Off the Clock, is now available!

Watch the presentation on YouTube. If you subscribe to our channel, you'll be notified whenever new content is posted. You can also download the PowerPoint presentation and the audio portion of the presentation, or browse all of our voter engagement resources.

Now that you're a pro at making clear distinctions between your organization's nonpartisan work and your personal election activities, join us on July 12 to learn about getting your nonprofit involved in National Voter Registration Day! RSVP today!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Separating Personal and Professional Election Work

Don't let uncertainty keep you on the sidelines this year! There's still time to register for Thursday's webinar:

What Nonprofit Staff Can Do: Voter Engagement at Work and Off the Clock
Thursday June 28th, 2:00-3:00pm Eastern

Outside of work, nonprofit employees are free to volunteer for political campaigns or engage in other partisan political activities. However, it is important to make clear distinctions between personal and professional efforts, as all voter engagement activities on behalf of your nonprofit must be completely nonpartisan. Join us for a range of nonprofit staff do's and don'ts as well as how to make transparent divisions between your nonpartisan work on the clock and your partisan activities off the clock.

Featured Presenter: George Pillsbury is the founder and Director of Nonprofit VOTE. Prior to starting Nonprofit VOTE, he founded and directed MassVOTE, as well as several foundations dedicated to community uplift. His work in the fields of philanthropy, social investing, and voter and civic participation spans three decades.


Friday, June 22, 2012

AIGA Get-Out-the-Vote Poster Competition

As part of their Design for Democracy program, AIGA--the professional association for design--is hosting a get-out-the-vote poster contest!

Their Get-Out-the-Vote campaign invites designers to create nonpartisan posters and videos that inspire the American public to participate in the electoral process and vote in the 2012 general election.

The initiative enables designers to engage in the public arena by contributing to a coordinated voter mobilization campaign, which is great news for nonprofits, as all of the posters can be viewed online, downloaded, and printed! Browse their current submissions or the 2008 gallery and hang your favorite(s) in a prominent location!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pushing for Registration at Indian Health Service Facilities

On Tuesday, Jefferson Keel, president of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), said that Indian Health Service facilities should be designated voter registration sites in the same way state-based public assistance agencies are under the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).

Keel noted that the facilities are ideal for voter registration because they're in many tribal communities and that "Not all Native Americans are registered." Earlier this week he told a gathering of tribal leaders that only two of every five eligible American Indians and Alaska Natives were registered in 2008, and that an estimated 1 million eligible Native voters are not registered. "This should be considered a civic emergency."

In some states, many public assistance agencies are not fully compliant with NVRA requirements, but when brought into compliance they have proved particularly effective:
Most importantly, all of these registrations are conducted in the course of providing other routine services. This model is so effective because it utilizes an organization's location and standing in the community. This applies equally to your nonprofit: Although the NVRA may not require you to offer voter registration, you can still ensure your clients and community register and vote in 2012! Learn more about nonprofit voter registration.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Partner Spotlight: U.S. Vote Foundation

The U.S. Vote Foundation (US Vote) is working to transform the complex domestic absentee voter process. Starting this month, US Vote will launch an online absentee ballot request process for all states. The site already features state-specific voter registration, election information, and a comprehensive election office directory. US Vote will help overcome the information and form completion barriers facing domestic voters to generate a complete absentee ballot.

US Vote is an initiative of the Overseas Vote Foundation (OVF), the leader in nonprofit voter services for overseas absentee voters. "It's rewarding to see that OVF's eight years of software development and voter services innovation will now benefit domestic US voters," said Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat, President and CEO of OVF. "Given the hurdles that US voters face, an accessible absentee ballot request service is long overdue."

Monday, June 18, 2012

Webinar: What Nonprofit Staff Can('t) Do

Working for a nonprofit that does nonpartisan voter engagement work doesn't limit employees' ability to do other political work on their own time. Learn how to differentiate between the two during:

What Nonprofit Staff Can Do: Voter Engagement at Work and Off the Clock
Thursday June 28th, 2:00-3:00pm Eastern

Outside of work, nonprofit employees are free to volunteer for political campaigns or engage in other partisan political activities. However, it is important to make clear distinctions between personal and professional efforts, as all voter engagement activities on behalf of your nonprofit must be completely nonpartisan. Join us for a range of nonprofit staff do's and don'ts as well as how to make transparent divisions between your nonpartisan work on the clock and your partisan activities off the clock.

Featured Presenter: George Pillsbury is the founder and Director of Nonprofit VOTE. Prior to starting Nonprofit VOTE, he founded and directed MassVOTE, as well as several foundations dedicated to community uplift. His work in the fields of philanthropy, social investing, and voter and civic participation spans three decades.


Friday, June 15, 2012

Voter Registration Webinar Materials

Yesterday's webinar, Ready, Set, Register: Nonprofit Voter Registration, is now available! Thank you to our wonderful presenter, Isela Gutiérrez-Gunter of Democracy North Carolina.

You can watch the presentation on YouTube, and if you subscribe to our channel, you'll be notified whenever new content is posted. You can also download the PowerPoint presentation and the audio portion of the presentation, or browse all of our voter registration resources.

Did you know that nonprofit staff are free to participate in partisan political activities during non-work hours? Learn more during our upcoming webinar on June 28th, What Nonprofit Staff Can Do: Voter Engagement at Work and Off the Clock. RSVP today!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Conducting Voter Registration at Your Nonprofit

The only way to ensure that your clients and constituents can vote in November is to make sure they're registered! Learn how during Thursday's webinar:

Ready, Set, Register: Nonprofit Voter Registration 
Thursday June 14th, 2:00-3:00pm Eastern

Registering to vote is the first step to becoming an active and engaged voter. In 2008, nine out of ten registered voters cast a ballot; among those who did not vote, many reported that they encountered problems with their registration. Join us for more on how your nonprofit can ensure that your clients and constituents are registered to vote and able to participate in this year's election! We'll help you create a voter registration plan, develop strategies and tactics for registering community members, ensure you remain nonpartisan, and more.

Featured Presenter: Isela Gutiérrez-Gunter is the Nonprofit Outreach Coordinator at Democracy North Carolina. She has previously worked as an advocate for statewide juvenile justice policy reform in Austin, TX, and on local drug policy reform efforts in Seattle, WA. She has a BA in History from Scripps College, and will receive her MSW with an emphasis on Community, Management, and Policy Practice from UNC Chapel Hill in August 2012. 


Monday, June 11, 2012

New Candidate Appearance Factsheet

If you want to engage candidates but don't have the time to organize a candidate forum, consider inviting candidates to appear at your organization or an event you're hosting.

Our newest factsheet covers how to ensure that candidate appearances at your nonprofit stay nonpartisan and balanced under any circumstances: whether you invite candidates to the same event, to different events, or if a candidate shows up on their own.

Not only do candidate appearances allow your clients and constituents to meet and interact with candidates, but they also expose candidates to your organization's work. This year, the New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits has been hosting gubernatorial candidates at their various Capitol Exchange events, giving the nonprofit community a chance to converse with candidates while also bringing visibility to the state's nonprofit sector.

Download the factsheet and start drafting those invitations!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Get Your 2012 Web Badge!

Want to promote the 2012 election without completely redesigning your website? Add our new badge to your site!

It's an easy way to share information about the upcoming election and to show that your nonprofit supports voter participation. We have designs for all 50 states that direct visitors to state-specific registration deadlines and requirements, early voting options, and more.

The badge is versatile and can complement your newsletter, website, or blog! Use it to increase visibility around the election, familiarize other nonprofits with voter engagement, and to more fully engage your community.

Grab the code today and use your site to transform visitors into voters!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Remember to Vote with Your Mission!

It's Election Day in California, where CalNonprofits' Vote with Your Mission campaign is officially underway! Last month, we described their efforts to achieve 100% participation among California's nonprofit staff and volunteers in the 2012 June and November elections.

As of today, more than 100 nonprofits have already signed on! Organizations represent the diversity of California's nonprofit community in terms of geography, size, community served, and type of services offered. They include direct social service providers, arts organizations, advocacy and policy groups, private foundations, and statewide and regional coalitions and associations. More than two dozen organizations have signed up as campaign co-sponsors, agreeing to reach out to at least 15 other nonprofits to encourage them to join the campaign.

Nonprofit VOTE serves as a campaign resource partner, providing nonpartisan voter registration and engagement materials and webinars to participants. We're proud to support this type of leadership effort to bring nonprofit voter engagement into the mainstream. Just remember, you don't have to be a California nonprofit to join the voter engagement movement or to encourage your affiliates to vote with your mission!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Ready, Set, Register!

November will be here before you know it--get a jump on registering your clients and community members to vote! Your nonprofit can ensure that their voices are heard in 2012! Register to learn more:

Ready, Set, Register: Nonprofit Voter Registration 
Thursday June 14th, 2:00-3:00pm Eastern

Registering to vote is the first step to becoming an active and engaged voter. In 2008, nine out of ten registered voters cast a ballot; among those who did not vote, many reported that they encountered problems with their registration. Join us for more on how your nonprofit can ensure that your clients and constituents are registered to vote and able to participate in this year's election! We'll help you create a voter registration plan, develop strategies and tactics for registering community members, ensure you remain nonpartisan, and more.

Featured Presenter: Isela Gutiérrez-Gunter is the Nonprofit Outreach Coordinator at Democracy North Carolina. She has previously worked as an advocate for statewide juvenile justice policy reform in Austin, TX, and on local drug policy reform efforts in Seattle, WA. She has a BA in History from Scripps College, and will receive her MSW with an emphasis on Community, Management, and Policy Practice from UNC Chapel Hill in August 2012. 


Friday, June 1, 2012

Florida Election Law Update

This time last year we reported on a new election law in Florida that drastically restricted third-party voter registration efforts. The 2011 law required that completed registration forms be submitted within 48 hours (groups previously had 10 days) and imposed strict fines for each late registration form. This requirement severely hampered the ability of nonprofits to conduct voter outreach, and even forced the League of Women Voters to halt their registration efforts in the state.

But yesterday, a federal judge granted a preliminary injunction blocking certain provisions of the law. Judge Hinkle blocked the 48-hour return requirement, calling the deadline "harsh and impractical". The injunction also blocked a provision that would open up volunteers to possible felony charges for registering ineligible voters (even if unknowingly). He noted that "If the goal is to discourage voter registration drives and thus also to make it harder for new voters to register, this may work."

The timing of the injunction is important because "when a plaintiff loses an opportunity to register a voter, the opportunity is gone forever." Hopefully this ruling will once again allow Florida's 501(c)(3) nonprofits to safely register their community members ahead of the 2012 election. RSVP for our June 14th webinar for more on nonprofit voter registration.

While much of the law remains intact (including the shortened early voting period), it is not clear yet if the state will appeal. Meanwhile, the Department of Justice is still conducting a separate federal lawsuit challenging the law under the Voting Rights Act.

(Image Source)