Thursday, March 15, 2012

N.C. Hosts Nonprofit Voter Registration Month

With March Madness gripping the nation, you might not have heard that in North Carolina March is also Nonprofit Voter Registration Month!

Democracy North Carolina, one of our state partners, is working on a 2012 Nonprofit Voter Engagement Project to encourage and support nonprofits conducting voter outreach.

Although this can take many forms--like distributing nonpartisan educational materials or mobilizing clients, staff, and volunteers to vote--this month's focus is voter registration. With a May 8th state primary (which features an amendment on same-sex marriage) coming up now is the perfect time for N.C. nonprofits to register their clients and constituents to vote. 

Democracy North Carolina can provide training, voter education materials, up-to-date information on election laws, partner with you to mobilize voters, and brainstorm and strategize with you about how to tailor a voter engagement plan to fit your organization. Don't wait! Contact Isela Gutiérrez at isela AT democracy-nc DOT org for more information.

(Image Source)

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